Why FitHer? A Word From Our CEO

Fither – changing the world for women’s health, from our CEO…

To every woman out there, this is for you! FitHer is a movement to change the world of women’s health, it’s about empowering you to help prioritise your health, fitness and wellbeing to be the fittest version of yourself – in body, mind and life.

It’s about taking back control, standing up and saying “my health and fitness is important to me and I’m going to prioritise this in my life”. It’s about not making excuses and not letting anyone tell you that you can’t, because you can.

FitHer is not about being the thinnest, fastest or strongest – it’s about being the fittest version of you. Some women will be just starting out, some will have already started their health and fitness journey and others may have been at it for a while now – and that is absolutely okay.

FitHer is about you, and only you, there is no comparison with others. I have created FitHer to be real, honest and authentic in every way.

My health and fitness journey has shown me how important it is to be fit, and when I say fit I don’t mean being able to run a half marathon or lifting at the gym. It’s so much more than that – it’s eating well, sleeping well, taking the moments for me, being in the moment with my family, taking breaks from work when I need to, indulging in that holiday and even the boring life admin that keeps you on track.

I’ve learned that being fit isn’t just important, it’s everything for me, my family and my work. I’m a better mother, a better wife, a better boss and overall a better person.

I can’t wait to see the impact FitHer will have on so many women across the country. If you haven’t already, join this powerful pack of strong and fierce women – sign up for updates and follow us over on Instagram and Facebook, you won’t be disappointed.

Emma x

Emma Price

CEO + Founder FitHer


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