Fit for 2023

5 Fab Fitness trends for the New Year

Ok, so we’re not the first to write an article about fitness trends for the new year, A quick google will return pages of results, each touting their own take on what's hot and what’s not. While there are a few unique recommendations, a number of trends pop up in some form or another in almost all of the literature. We have pulled out the top 5, which are all very practical and totally doable no matter where you are in your fitness journey. Excitingly, the theme for 2023 seems to be how your body feels as opposed to how it looks.   

1. Reframing Exercise and Fitness

This is the trend that we love the most! It is absolutely FitHer - Fit Mind, Fit Body, Fit Life, done your way. It feels like, despite endless reels of supposedly perfect bodies on social media, fitness is shifting towards being more health and wellness-focused, and we think that’s awesome!

A Post-Pandemic Positive Mindset

The pandemic challenged humanity on a global scale. As gyms closed and community sport was canceled, we were forced to adapt to online workouts and time-limited walks around our neighborhoods. While some found joy in this new gentle movement style, sadly, many found themselves unable to adjust to the redefinition of exercise and simply stopped working out. In March 2022, the World Health Organization reported a massive 25% increase in anxiety and depression worldwide. As frightening as this statistic is, it has had the positive effect of focusing our attention on the importance of maintaining our mental health just as we do our physical health. The result is more people getting out and getting active and seeing real-life benefits from increases in endorphins and serotonin and a reduction in mental illness-related symptoms. The long-term effect is a greater sense of wellbeing and belonging, improved memory and clarity of thought, and reduced physical symptoms caused by a sedentary lifestyle. 

Give Me More!

As people seek to get more out of their workout and more exercise out of their daily activities, we are seeing a reframing of what is considered exercise to a much broader definition that encompasses all forms of movement. According to Carolyn Steber of, experts are predicting a “shift towards this type of gentle fitness where people are focused on benefits instead of aesthetics, like elevated mood, better sleep, and improved strength,” In 2023, you won’t necessarily be heading to the gym or running 10km around your neighbourhood (but absolutely go for it girl if that's your jam!). The focus is fun! Look for alternative ways to exercise that bring you joy (rather than just bust-your-arse), and make you feel part of a community along the way. Think dance classes, team sports, outdoor activities, and a return to the glory days of the group workout.

Keep your eye out in the coming months as the team at FitHer explore some of these fun new fitness trends.

2. Exercise for Life - Mobility, Functionality, & Flexibility

As the breadth of science devoted to preventing diseases of both the mind and body grows, we are developing a much greater appreciation of the role regular exercise plays in our overall health. In 2023 you can expect to see a greater emphasis on mobility and functionality in your workouts. The rise and rise of computer-centered workplaces and the proliferation of hand-held devices has created a massive increase in posture-related injuries and diseases secondary to sedentary behaviours. Functionality-based workouts are aimed at reducing these statistics and creating and maintaining wellness and longevity. 

Mobility; your ability to move a muscle, or group of muscles through a range of motion. 

Flexibility; the ability of your connective tissues to temporarily lengthen to facilitate movement. 

Mobility + Flexibility + Strength = Functionality

Why focus on functionality

If you don't regularly move a joint through its entire range of motion, then portions of that range will deteriorate, and the total range of motion will become limited. When simultaneously, the fascia loses fluidity, the connective tissues become less amenable to stretch. This is the process we witness as the body ages. In his recent series, Limitless, Chris Hemsworth dons a suit developed by the AgeLab at MIT, which simulates the reduced mobility and flexibility that is experienced as we age, it’s a confronting experience for him and stark realisation for those of who desire a joyful, active old age, that we must take care now to prepare our bodies for our twilight years.   

How to incorporate functionality training 

You can add movements like bear crawls, or farmer's walks and carries to your workout to spice up your mobility, or perhaps check out a specific functionality-focused class like Animal Flow. If you really want to amp up your functionality knowledge base, providers like  Feel Soma (Self Osteo Myofascial Applications) offer a range of easy-to-understand, science-backed, online and face-to-face courses. 

No matter what your exercise goal is, you can and should include some mobility and flexibility training.

3. Mini-Workout Stacking

We love this trend! The biggest excuse people offer for not exercising is time – ‘I just didn’t have time”, “I couldn’t fit it in,” or “I ran out of time.” Workout stacking lets you get active and get results regardless of your schedule. The other awesome benefit is if you are just starting out or you are not feeling at your best, mini workouts, 5-15 mins, feel totally doable when a 1hr power sesh might be completely overwhelming. Short, sharp sessions have been proven to be effective, and working two or three into your day can get you great results.

 “Science has shown that doing mini-workouts throughout the day is just as effective as one long workout. You can gain muscle, boost your metabolism, and lose weight,” says Florida strength and conditioning coach Lauren Stobbie. 

Workout stacking lets you squeeze multiple workouts into your day, maybe some strength training before work, a quick run at lunchtime or after work, and a gentle yoga class before bed. Exercising during your work day has the added benefit of clearing your mind and re-energising you for the afternoon and evening. If you have a chunk of time available, you can stack different types of mini-workouts one after the other to create one super workout. The key to the mini-workout is intensity; work hard and maintain the integrity of your form to get the most out of every movement.

Pinterest, Insta, and workout programs like Nike Training Club, Centr, and KIC are “stacked” (see what we did there?) with mini workouts because they are so hot right now. That means you can curate your stack to meet your mood, your goals and tools, and your schedule. 

4. Recovery is Everything

Why do our bodies need recovery time

During exercise, we apply stress to our tissues, which results in micro-tears – don't worry, this is a good thing and actually the goal when trying to increase strength. The key is balancing your intensity both during your workout, and across your workout program, to ensure these tears stay micro and don’t progress into injury. During the recovery phase, new cells rush to the damaged area and replicate. These new cells join together to form protein chains which ultimately results in the muscle having more total cells and, therefore, greater capacity, size, and strength. Without adequate recovery time, the damaged area does not heal before being stressed again, and injury becomes more likely. 

Activity should not recommence until the rest stage has been achieved. If your movements of daily living are being limited by muscle soreness your body is not ready to recommence activity.” 

How to recover effectively

As the fitness industry has moved away from the “faster-harder-stronger” mode of training and focused more on body optimisation, we have seen an expansion of gym services to include recovery classes and therapies, such as restorative yoga, compression boots, massage, and contrast therapy. You can optimise your recovery using these types of therapies and by incorporating gentle activity days into your usual routine.

Lucky for us, the retail sector has jumped on board, and recovery tools are becoming more accessible and more user-friendly. You can expect to see new products at more affordable price points as the year goes on. Start planning your Christmas shopping early, as recovery tools are sure to be top of the Christmas wishlists and are highly likely to pop up in Black Friday sales as they did in 2022. Try Therabody or Hyperice for quality in-home recovery tools.

Recovery is super important, so you can count on FitHer to bring you all the info and the best product here at and at a FitHer Expo near you. 

5. Power Up Your Workout with Digital Tech

Some of us find adding tech to a workout can be an unnecessary distraction but it is absolutely still a massive growth area and can be an amazing tool to include in your kit. We have discovered the key, as with most things, is balance. You can definitely overdo it with fitness technology but if you take a minute to understand and choose the right tech tool, even the most basic device can enhance your workout and help you achieve your goals. 

Fitness tech includes wearables, apps, online workouts, and the newbie (for most of us) VR.   

Best Fitness Apps

Fitness apps can be a great way to plan and track your workouts and many include extras like meal planning and meditation. Favourites at FitHer are Nike Training Club and Nike Run Club. Having the resources of fitness giant Nike, ensures that both apps offer the best in coaching and training as well as deliver a seamless and attractive user interface. The best bit – they are both FREE!  We also love Centr by Chris Hemsworth, okay so clearly we are fans, as this his third mention but Centr is really comprehensive. It includes meal plans and customisable shopping lists as well as structured programs and meditations (and who doesn’t love falling asleep listening to Thor?), it’s worth signing up for a free trial just to have an explore. Hot on Chris’s heels and kicking big goals are Aussies, Keep it Cleaner, KIC, we absolutely adore their holistic approach as it totally aligns with FitHer’s ethos of Fit Mind, Body and Life. KIC also offers a free trial that’s well worth checking out. 


Wearable tech has been around for a while now, measuring everything from heart rate, to menstrual cycles, and sleep rhythms. In 2023 you can expect to see all the big guys, Apple, Garmin and FitBit, upping their game especially in terms of aesthetics. We all love an Apple Watch for its functionality but let’s be honest there are prettier timepieces out there. The other trend in wearables will see technology come off the wrist with discreet offerings like Oura Ring and BellaBeat Leaf Urban beginning to make their mark. The downside of these pieces though is you still need to check back in with your phone to obtain any data. 

Virtual Fitness

VR is the next big thing and it’s not just to trick gamers into exercising. There are a host of games offering legit exercise programs that deliver real results. VR allows you to exercise in global studios or picturesque locations all from your own living room. We are yet to get our VR on but can’t wait to bring it to you later in the year. For now we will be guided by VR savvy experts who suggest FitXR and Supernatural for an outstanding VR fitness experience and OhShape for a bit of fun that will get you sweating at the same time. The major downside of VR is that it does require a substantial investment to set up, but if you are using it for gaming anyway it might just be the perfect gym alternative. 

Fit looks fun in 2023. Of course, the absolute #1 hot trend will be to head to FitHer Expo in Sydney on October 7th and 8th. It will be the greatest new trend ever and we can’t wait to meet you there.




A Little Too Much Christmas?