FitHer is for Every Her.

Who is FitHer?

FitHer is FitYou. Fit in Mind. Fit in Body. Fit in Life.

Fit; “of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose” Oxford Dictionary

Not the fastest, the thinnest, or the strongest but Fit for purpose. Fit to human and Fit to suit your unique required purpose, whatever that may be.  

FitHer is all about building the best version of you.
•    A version you love.
•    A version that meets the day head-on.
•    A version that sees a challenge as an opportunity.
•    A beautifully balanced, no-BS, butt-kicking version created by you, for you.

What is FitHer?

In an Australian first, the FitHer Expo will get you up close and personal IRL with the fabulously fit brands, products, and people that engage and inspire you online and in-store or out on the track and in the gym.

The very first FitHer Expo will kick off in Sydney at the International Conference and Convention Centre on Darling Harbour. Two spectacular action-packed days, Saturday and Sunday, the 7th and 8th of October 2023. The weekend will be bursting with entertainment, demonstrations, giveaways, shopping, and, most of all - FUN!

We can’t wait to get into it, so in the meantime, we are getting amped, soaking up the latest and greatest and the tried and tested fitness and wellness trends, products, and personalities, and bringing them here to you at FitHer website, Facebook and Instagram.


Why FitHer?

Because the team at FitHer believes that being fit is more than gym workouts and perfect insta posts. FitHer encompasses all the wonderful things in life that serve you well and make you feel awesome and energised. 

The team at FitHer are all living their own fitness journey. We all come from different health and wellness places and share diverse backgrounds and situations. FitHer will not tell you how to look or what to weight. We understand that women are unique, glorious creatures that deserve every bit of love and light the universe can throw at them. Our goal is to make capturing opportunities for greatness as easy as possible, that's why we will bring it all to you in one awesome event at FitHer Expo. Between expos, you have FitHer website, Facebook and Instagram to inspire and support your journey.   

We will bring you real-life FitHer profiles of women you know and women you are yet to meet. We will deliver the hottest trends for every body, ability, and budget and mix it up with cutting-edge research and information to cultivate your own version of fitness. 

Find Your FitHer

There is a FitHer in everyone; you just need to find her. The FitHer team will deliver meaningful insights, real-life inspiration, and reviews of the hottest products, programs, and apps, all curated to help you unveil your Fit in a way that feels empowering and authentic to you and only you. 

Everyone’s Fit journey is different. Some will just be starting out, and that's awesome. Some will be marathon ready, and that's amazing. Some will just be keen to change it up, and that's great too. Wherever you are, we are there with you.

Share @ FitHer

We are in this together. So be sure to let us know what you love and what you don't. If you find a great new product, then share it with your new FitHer family. We love learning and sharing all things Fit, so if you want to know more about a trend, an activity, or a movement, just tag, comment, or email, and let us do the research for you.  

Come with us, and bring your friends as we launch into FitHer; let’s find your Fit together. 


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